Recycling: Reducing waste in the school canteen


We all know how important it is to keep the school canteen’s fridge, cupboard and fruit bowl stocked with fresh food. A hungry child can quickly become a grumpy child. But without proper planning, we can easily order too much food, or the wrong type, and end up throwing large amounts away.

Do you know how much fresh fruit and veggies you waste? According to WASTEMINZ, most Kiwi households toss $583 of food in the bin every year. Shockingly, that’s $872 million as a country.

Fortunately, the solution may be simpler than you think. By planning ahead, and making appropriate purchasing and storage decisions, you can not only reduce food wastage but also save time and money.

Here are our quick tips to do just that.

Reality check: To get an idea of how much you’re throwing away, set aside one week and write down everything that goes in the bin. Then add up the value of those tossed goods. You might be surprised. If you’re tossing half a loaf of bread each week, try freezing half a loaf at the start of the week.

Menu planning: Plan a four-week menu to better guide your purchasing, storage and stock decision.

Stock rotation: When you’re unpacking new stock, move older products to the front of the fridge/freezer/pantry and put newer products at the back. This way you’re more likely to use the older products before they expire.

Take stock:  Keep note of upcoming expiry dates of products. You can then incorporate these products into your menus. Keep a list of what’s in your freezer, plus expiry dates, and stick this to your freezer door.

Use leftovers: Get creative! Leftover vegetables are great in a frittata, casserole or soup.

Use it all: When cooking, use every piece of the ingredients you’re using. For example, leave the skin on potatoes or cook the broccoli steams as well as the florets.

Store better: If you’re regularly throwing away stale crackers or cereal, move these products into airtight containers or turn them into breadcrumbs.

Re-use produce: Produce doesn’t have to be thrown out if it’s over ripe. Brown bananas can be used in baking or frozen for smoothies. Wilted vegetables are still great in soups.

Ordering: Order smaller amounts more frequently and designate one staff member to do the ordering so you don’t double up.

Deliveries: Carefully check all your deliveries for contamination, damage, use-by dates and temperature of fresh foods.

Grow your own: Try growing your own herbs and vegetables. Children love getting hands-on and learning about where their food comes from, and having your own veggie patch means you can just walk outside and pick when you require.

Storage temp: To prevent spoilage, store perishable fresh food at temperatures below 5°C (fridge, cool room, and freezer) and hot food above 63°C.

How can Fuelled4life help you?

If you want to have your recipes and menus assessed, please feel free to contact Larissa Beeby at Fuelled4life today. Her contact details are below.

Fuelled4life is based on the Ministry of Health’s Food and Beverage Classification System (FBCS). It’s a free, practical tool which helps schools provide healthier foods. It aims to increase access for young people to healthier food and beverages, and to inspire food services to provide tasty, nutritious products.

Everyday foods and drinks are lower in energy, fat and salt, so they’re appropriate for everyday consumption.

Sometimes foods and drinks are still good choices but are a bit higher in energy, saturated fat and salt, so should be eaten in moderation. Sometimes foods and drinks should not dominate the choices available.

Sign up to Fuelled4life

One in three Kiwi kids is overweight or obese, but you can help change that.

If you are a teacher, principal, canteen manager, caterer or cook and would like to see your school offering healthier food and beverages, here’s what to do:

Sign up to Fuelled4life for loads of free resources to help you choose healthier options.

You’ll also get free access to the Fuelled4life website and newsletter with tips, recipes, special deals and information on ways to improve nutrition in your school.

For more information or one-to-one nutrition support, please contact the Fuelled4life team on 09 526 8550, email or go to
